Press Releases


September 6, 2022
Logic Design Inc. Announces Release of Electric Vehicle (EV) CBT
Interactive training to meet the global need for people who are skilled in diagnosing, servicing and repairing EVs and commercial charging stations.

REDMOND, WA --Logic Design Inc. (LDI), a leading global provider of educational software, today announced the release of its new Electric Vehicle (EV) computer-based training program. This integrated learning package provides state-of-the art training in EVs and commercial charging stations by combining simulation, interactive course material, and sophisticated testing and assessment contained in modular lessons.

The EV CBT is built on LDI's award-winning proprietary learning management system and fully integrates simulation software with theoretical instruction to provide the optimal asynchronous, on-demand learning experience. According to Tim Mitchell, LDI's President and CEO, it is the simulation software that positions its CBT products at the top. "The EV CBT is our 7th computer-based training product that utilizes our suite of simulation software and through our continuous improvement process each version of our simulators becomes more powerful and user-friendly".

The CBT has been developed for adult learners pursuing training through independent study, specifically those interested in improving their technical knowledge to diagnose, service and repair high voltage EVs and install, design and maintain residential or commercial charging stations. One of the main features of the program is the integration of theory with laboratory experiments and projects. The EV program consists of 14 modules of interactive curriculum using state-of-the-art simulation software with virtual lab/shop experiments, combined with videos, animations and real-world practical examples to reinforce the fundamental concepts of EV technology.

The EV CBT uses a customized version of its industry-standard simulation platform, CircuitLogix, to provide much-needed "hands on" experience in order to properly understand the operation of an Electric Vehicle, its components and charging stations. Mitchell adds: "Learning about EVs is difficult because actual EV or charging station are inherently expensive to train on and it can be very dangerous to work on a EV that is fully energized and start taking it apart." CircuitLogix simulation provides a cost-effective, interactive, and highly beneficial solution to this challenge.

About Logic Design Inc.
Founded in 1996, Logic Design Inc. (LDI) is a privately-held corporation headquartered in Redmond, WA. LDI offers a suite of products ranging from simulation software to textbooks to computer-based training, and course management software. In addition to its best-selling simulation products, such as CircuitLogix, RoboLogix and PLCLogix, the company also has a strong focus on educational products to support the use of simulation. These products are used worldwide by thousands of students, educators, professional design engineers, and hobbyists. The company sells its products directly in the US, Australia, and Canada and through a worldwide network of distributors.

Media contact:
Name: Gary Richardson
Title: Marketing Manager
Phone: 1-800-456-8219

Press Releases

  • 23 May 2024 - Logic Design Inc. Announces Release of Wind Turbine (WT) CBT
  • 6 September 2022 - Logic Design Inc. Announces Release of Electric Vehicle (EV) CBT
  • 4 October 2021 - Logic Design Inc. Announces Release of ExamGuard Testing & Assessment Software
  • 18 November 2019 - Logic Design Inc. Unveils the Next Generation of CircuitLogix
  • 22 February 2018 - Logic Design Inc. Launches New Simulation Suite
  • 7 October 2016 - Logic Design Inc. announces new version of PLCLogix featuring 3DWorld interactive animations
  • 17 December 2014 - Logic Design Inc. launches industry-leading Simulation Software
  • 2 November 2013 - CircuitLogix achieves milestone of 250,000 downloads
  • 21 October 2012 - New 3D electrical/electronics simulation product released by Logic Design Inc.
  • 5 February 2010 - Logic Design Inc. Announces new Robotics Simulation Software
  • 3 December 2009 - Logic Design Inc. Launches CircuitLogix Pro
  • 7 November 2008 - Free Student Version of CircuitLogix Software Released
  • 12 January 2007 - New Simulation product breaks price/performance barrier in EDA software
  • 16 November 2005 - Logic Design Inc. Launches New Course Management Package
  • 10 June 2003 - New PLC Interactive Learning package released by Logic Design Inc.
  • 7 October 2001 - Logic Design Inc. Announces Release of Electro-Mechanical CBT

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