Press Releases


October 21, 2012
New 3D electrical/electronics simulation product released by Logic Design Inc.

TORONTO, CANADA, October 21, 2012 - Logic Design Inc. today announced the availability of 3DLab, which is a revolutionary software product that combines an interactive 3-dimensional learning environment and "real world" electrical and electronic devices.   This 3D simulation software is a "virtual reality"-type of lab environment and is designed to closely replicate the appearance and functionality of actual devices and instruments. It is used to reinforce the fundamentals of electricity and electronics.

According to Kevin Fullerton, Logic Design’s Chief Technology Officer, 3DLab was designed specifically to meet a demand identified by its customers.  “With an installed base of over 120,000 customers, we actively solicit feedback from our base and 3DLab is a direct response to this feedback”, says Fullerton.   “We have with a minimal instruction set, but the capability to provide powerful and accurate circuit simulations.  We beta tested the product with educators and students around the world and the feedback has been excellent”.  Fullerton also attributes the early interest in the product to its low price.  “It is our least expensive simulation product and is designed to reach the largest number of possible customers” says Fullerton.  Priced at under $40 U.S., and with a universal language user interface, the product is specifically intended to overcome the price and language barriers that often impede software sales in large markets such as India and China.

The software engine used in 3DLab is based on Logic Design’s award-winning RoboLogix 3D software engine, which combines the highest degree of functionality with the simplest user interface.   Like all of its simulation products, Logic Design’s new 3DLab is primarily an educational resource.  The main difference with the new product is that it is designed to target students in all electrical and electronics programs ranging from high school to colleges and universities.  The 3D “game-like” user interface and functionality will have a strong appeal for the high school market, according to Fullerton.  “We have tested the product in high schools around the world, and the response has been terrific.  Students really seem to enjoy the user interface and claim that it’s a fun way to learn a difficult and challenging subject“.

While simple to use, 3DLab’s software engine and advanced program algorithms make it a very powerful laboratory simulation package complete with measuring instruments, control devices, and workbench. It is intended to provide a virtual electronics lab where you can design, build, and test electrical and electronic circuits. Placing devices onto the worktable is as simple as moving your mouse. There are approximately 30 different devices and instruments available in 3DLab. These components include batteries, switches, meters, lamps, resistors, inductors, capacitors and instruments including oscilloscopes, logic analyzers and frequency counters. 3DLab is very easy to learn and provides an excellent bridge to more complex lab simulation found in SPICE-based CircuitLogix.

About Logic Design Inc.
Founded in 1996, Logic Design Inc. (LDI) is a privately-held corporation headquartered in Redmond, WA. LDI offers a suite of products ranging from simulation software to textbooks to computer-based training, and course management software. In addition to its best-selling simulation products, such as CircuitLogix, RoboLogix and PLCLogix, the company also has a strong focus on educational products to support the use of simulation. These products are used worldwide by thousands of students, educators, professional design engineers, and hobbyists. The company sells its products directly in the US, Australia, and Canada and through a worldwide network of distributors.

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  • 7 October 2016 - Logic Design Inc. announces new version of PLCLogix featuring 3DWorld interactive animations
  • 17 December 2014 - Logic Design Inc. launches industry-leading Simulation Software
  • 2 November 2013 - CircuitLogix achieves milestone of 250,000 downloads
  • 21 October 2012 - New 3D electrical/electronics simulation product released by Logic Design Inc.
  • 5 February 2010 - Logic Design Inc. Announces new Robotics Simulation Software
  • 3 December 2009 - Logic Design Inc. Launches CircuitLogix Pro
  • 7 November 2008 - Free Student Version of CircuitLogix Software Released
  • 12 January 2007 - New Simulation product breaks price/performance barrier in EDA software
  • 16 November 2005 - Logic Design Inc. Launches New Course Management Package
  • 10 June 2003 - New PLC Interactive Learning package released by Logic Design Inc.
  • 7 October 2001 - Logic Design Inc. Announces Release of Electro-Mechanical CBT

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