Press Releases


October 7, 2016
Logic Design Inc. announces new version of PLCLogix featuring 3DWorld interactive animations
State-of-the-art 3D interactive animations provide virtual learning environments

TORONTO, CANADA--Logic Design Inc., a leading global provider of educational software, announced a major upgrade to its PLCLogix™ simulation product today. PLCLogix now includes 10 interactive 3D animations to provide real world PLC control applications. These applications range from traffic lights to batch mixing to production lines and feature bipeds and other avatars that operate in the various worlds.

“PLCLogix V2 has taken giant steps towards creating an immersive 3D experience for the user, where they interact with industrial control equipment worth millions of dollars in a safe, controlled environment”, said Tim Mitchell, Managing Director at Logic Design Inc. “The integration of the ladder programs with the 3D worlds provides a unique opportunity for programming in real-time and observing the operation of complex control devices and systems.”

The realistic 3D interactive animations in PLCLogix allow programmers, electricians, technicians, and engineers to test and troubleshoot ladder logic programs in a real world, 3D environment without worrying about incorrect I/O connections and programming errors that could result in damage to the equipment in the 3D worlds. Using simulation tools like PLCLogix, PLC programmers have the freedom to try all the "what-if" scenarios ­ changing ladder logic instructions and programs, then re-running the simulation ­ to see how changes affect the PLC's operation and performance. This type of testing is often not feasible using hardwired operating PLCs that control processes often worth hundreds of thousands – or millions of dollars.

Each of the 10 worlds in PLCLogix have interactive control panels which contain switches, pushbuttons, dials, levers, data input devices and thumbwheels. The configuration of these control panels varies based on the operating requirements of the application. PLCLogix also includes a camera keypad with five camera views as well as a zoom function for all views. This allows the user to move around in the environment in order to gain a better understanding of the PLCs operation in its virtual 3D world.

PLCLogix operates on the Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 platforms. Single-user copies are priced at $295, and special package offers are available for current registered users of other Logic Design Inc. products such as CircuitLogix and RoboLogix. Multi-user site licenses for educational/corporate networks and labs are also available.

About Logic Design Inc.
Founded in 1996, Logic Design Inc. (LDI) is a privately-held corporation headquartered in Redmond, WA. LDI offers a suite of products ranging from simulation software to textbooks to computer-based training, and course management software. In addition to its best-selling simulation products, such as CircuitLogix, RoboLogix and PLCLogix, the company also has a strong focus on educational products to support the use of simulation. These products are used worldwide by thousands of students, educators, professional design engineers, and hobbyists. The company sells its products directly in the US, Australia, and Canada and through a worldwide network of distributors.

Media contact:
Name: Gary Richardson
Title: Media Relations
Phone: 1-800-456-8219

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